Blood Mask A Novel of Suspense edition by Lauren Kelly Mystery Thriller Suspense eBooks

Blood Mask A Novel of Suspense edition by Lauren Kelly Mystery Thriller Suspense eBooks
Oaates is a brilliant thriller writer . She is as a writer always like a scientist experimenting with her material,which in Oates' case is the plot. This novel opens with a beginning in which screams are heard by hikers in a New York State Park and the screams are traced to a young woman who has been drugged with crystal meth. Slowly her story starts to emerge and it is of a daughter of parents,whose parents are a man in prison and a mother who is a drug addict. Annemarie Stroube is the name of the young woman and her aunt,her father's sister,has made arrangements to take her niece to her home . Her aunt ,who likes to be calledDrewe,though it is not her family name ,which is Stroube ,she is her father's sister,runs an artists colony, but Annemarie does not get to know any artists,though she is told about a young woman who dies from an overdose. Her aunt has a very odd boyfriend who has the name Virgil,but is called Xenia.and seems to have painted some works which are highly objectionable tosome Christians and Drewe seems to have been murdered by members of this Christian sect. Annemarie seems to have been thought of as an accomplice to Aunt Drewe by the Christian group but they decided to leave her in the cabin after having drugged her and assaulted her physically but not raped her. Without going through all the plot , a reader gets the impression
that Oates was interested in the psychology of a young woman who had been traumatised by the experiences she had undergone and how slowly such a young woman has to get on with her life eventually. It does seem that if Drewe is dead, Annemarie might be a wealthy heiress and already Annemarie's chauffeurs, are looking at the possibility of sharing her wealth with them.
Oates can be an irritating writer because she tries to enter into the mind of Annemarie as Annemarie slowly comes to realise narrative what has has happened. Some of the descriptive narrative reflects Oates excellent writing skills but those looking for the usual speedy suspense story would be disappointed just like following a path through a forest with bushes continuously confronting the movement forward but those who enjoy the Oates' experience will appreciate the build up of plot. .

Tags : Blood Mask: A Novel of Suspense - Kindle edition by Lauren Kelly. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Blood Mask: A Novel of Suspense.,ebook,Lauren Kelly,Blood Mask: A Novel of Suspense,HarperCollins e-books,Mystery & Detective - General,AMERICAN MYSTERY & SUSPENSE FICTION,Artists,Artists;Fiction.,FICTION General,FICTION Mystery & Detective General,FICTION Thrillers Suspense,Fiction,Fiction - Espionage Thriller,Fiction-Mystery & Detective,GENERAL,General Adult,Missing persons,Missing persons;Fiction.,Mystery & Detective - General,MysterySuspense,Thriller suspense,Thrillers - Suspense,United States,Women art collectors,Women art collectors;Fiction.,FICTION General,FICTION Mystery & Detective General,FICTION Thrillers Suspense,Thrillers - Suspense,Fiction - Espionage Thriller,American Mystery & Suspense Fiction,Artists,Missing persons,Women art collectors,Fiction,MysterySuspense,Thriller suspense
Blood Mask A Novel of Suspense edition by Lauren Kelly Mystery Thriller Suspense eBooks Reviews
A teenage girl is pulled from some underbrush in a remote wilderness park.
"Caucasian female approximately fifteen-to-eighteen, weight one hundred five, probable assault victim, needing medical attention, raving & delusional, schizophrenic/meth overdose."
When the victim can finally speak, she has a very chilling story to tell. She says she was abducted. She says that, as she was being dragged away, she heard her aunt Drewe screaming for help. Somehow, she herself survived, but what's left of her is badly damaged, maybe permanently and maybe more than anyone can guess. And the only sign of her aunt is her Jeep submerged under the rushing waters of the Shale River. So how did this happen? Or, the bigger question might be, what is it that happened?
Annemarie Straube's life changed forever when she came to live with her Aunt Drewe. First, it was her name. With Annemarie's father in prison and her mother in rehab, Drewe, in her determination to give Annemarie a new start, gave her a new name Marta. But as Marta, Drewe's niece, Annemarie undergoes some radical alterations, not many of them positive. She regards her aunt with awe. She loves her aunt and savors every kind word she carelessly tosses her way. And she hates her aunt for the love she withholds from her.
Drewe Hildebrand, owner of the highly respected artists' colony Chateauguay Springs, is a real mover and shaker, a woman who can make or break reputations. What Drewe showcases in her gallery becomes the hot art of the day. But her world starts to slowly unravel with the appearance of a Scotsman possessing an exceptionally twisted mind. He sculpts a likeness of his model's head, draws enough blood to totally encase the image, then freezes it solid. The display of his "bio-art" causes a passionate stir among not only the art world but several radically zealous Christian groups. To some, the blood mask is a unique form of artistic expression. To others, it is the very definition of sacrilege. As usual, aunt Drewe cares not a whit about the opinions of others. The Scots artist is the current center of her focus. All else matters little to her. She might have fared better had she paid more attention.
Marta has lived through several of Aunt Drewe's flings. This one, though, sets Marta off with a vengeance that surprises even her. While some believed that Drewe Hildebrand was more than generous in bringing Marta to live with her, the truth is that Drewe could be highly unpredictable. At one moment, she could be a caring aunt, trying to school her unfortunate niece. In the next minute, she might turn brooding, flinging cruel epithets at Marta and pushing her away. Now Drewe is gone and Marta is fighting to recover.
The events of that one awful day remain locked inside Marta. As an unreliable witness, due to the quantity of drugs forced down her throat, her memory may be forever flawed. But, with Drewe Hildebrand still missing, the authorities interview and re-interview her in hopes of a breakthrough in the case. As the facts slowly come to light, the stunning conclusion reveals the extent of the psychological trauma that was inflicted and its dreadful consequences.
--- Reviewed by Kate Ayers
Oaates is a brilliant thriller writer . She is as a writer always like a scientist experimenting with her material,which in Oates' case is the plot. This novel opens with a beginning in which screams are heard by hikers in a New York State Park and the screams are traced to a young woman who has been drugged with crystal meth. Slowly her story starts to emerge and it is of a daughter of parents,whose parents are a man in prison and a mother who is a drug addict. Annemarie Stroube is the name of the young woman and her aunt,her father's sister,has made arrangements to take her niece to her home . Her aunt ,who likes to be calledDrewe,though it is not her family name ,which is Stroube ,she is her father's sister,runs an artists colony, but Annemarie does not get to know any artists,though she is told about a young woman who dies from an overdose. Her aunt has a very odd boyfriend who has the name Virgil,but is called Xenia.and seems to have painted some works which are highly objectionable to
some Christians and Drewe seems to have been murdered by members of this Christian sect. Annemarie seems to have been thought of as an accomplice to Aunt Drewe by the Christian group but they decided to leave her in the cabin after having drugged her and assaulted her physically but not raped her. Without going through all the plot , a reader gets the impression
that Oates was interested in the psychology of a young woman who had been traumatised by the experiences she had undergone and how slowly such a young woman has to get on with her life eventually. It does seem that if Drewe is dead, Annemarie might be a wealthy heiress and already Annemarie's chauffeurs, are looking at the possibility of sharing her wealth with them.
Oates can be an irritating writer because she tries to enter into the mind of Annemarie as Annemarie slowly comes to realise narrative what has has happened. Some of the descriptive narrative reflects Oates excellent writing skills but those looking for the usual speedy suspense story would be disappointed just like following a path through a forest with bushes continuously confronting the movement forward but those who enjoy the Oates' experience will appreciate the build up of plot. .

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