Touching Darkness Midnighters #2 Scott Westerfeld Books

Touching Darkness Midnighters #2 Scott Westerfeld Books
The continuing story of the midnighters battling the darklings and slithers. I've got slithers too, but my cat generally gets them before they even get near me!This particular second book may confuse some trying to keep up with thr story because it involves the explanations of quite a bit of math, physics and geography.
The author had an ongoing discussion (debate) between characters Jonathan and Jessica about tossing a coin up into the air, it's upward momentum and then gravity pulling it down again. I disagree on the way it was explained.
From the book: Jessica: "Well, there is a point right at the top where the coin's vector is zero. When gravity cancels out its upward momentum.
Jonathan: "Nope. The coin is going up, then the next instant it's going back down. Zero time passes when it's not moving, so it's always moving."
That's actually a paradox; one cancelling the other out. It was shown in the book that the coin never stops once while being flipped up into the air and then falling down again.
This is why readers will roll their eyes, skip paragraphs and think the book explanations are baffling. I liked the process of the polymath and the different midnighter talents, but yeah, confusing for the typical fiction reader.
Would not give it low ratings because of that though but I did see some lower ratings because readers were a bit overwhelmed. Not me. I thought it was great.
Again, good story and original idea.

Tags : Touching Darkness (Midnighters #2) (9780060519568): Scott Westerfeld: Books,Scott Westerfeld,Touching Darkness (Midnighters #2),HarperTeen,0060519568,Science Fiction - General,Bixby (Okla.),Good and evil,High school students,Midnight,Science fiction,Science fiction.,Action & Adventure - General,Children: Young Adult (Gr. 7-9),Fantasy & Magic,Fantasy & magical realism (Children's Teenage),Fiction-Science Fiction,Horror,JUVENILE,Juvenile Fiction,Juvenile Grades 7-9 Ages 12-14,Monograph Series, any,Oklahoma,Science Fiction Fantasy (Young Adult),TEEN'S FICTION SCIENCE FICTION,United States,YOUNG ADULT FICTION,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Action & Adventure General,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Fantasy Dark Fantasy,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Horror,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Paranormal, Occult & Supernatural,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Science Fiction General,Young Adult FictionFantasy - General,Young Adult FictionSocial Themes - General (see also headings under Family),teen horror; halloween books for teens; halloween books; spooky books for teens; halloween books for ages 12 up; spooky stories for kids; halloween books for high school; scary stories; scary books; scary tales; scary books for teens; series; supernatural; teen romance; teen friendship; special abilities; gothic books for teens; halloween books for teenagers; halloween gifts for teenagers; halloween gifts for teens; ya halloween books; halloween,Action & Adventure - General,Fantasy & Magic,Horror,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Action & Adventure General,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Fantasy Dark Fantasy,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Horror,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Paranormal, Occult & Supernatural,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Science Fiction General,Young Adult FictionFantasy - General,Young Adult FictionSocial Themes - General (see also headings under Family),Science Fiction Fantasy (Young Adult),YOUNG ADULT FICTION,Children: Young Adult (Gr. 7-9),Fantasy & magical realism (Children's Teenage)
Touching Darkness Midnighters #2 Scott Westerfeld Books Reviews
I enjoyed the book. However it had a slow start and it has left me with a dark feeling of unrest, which is not really my style. So this is a very personal rating. The story progressed well, there were great twists, fabulous words, and artistry in the weaving of the tale. However, like the first one, it has an odd and unusual arc and a dark undertone that leaves an unsettled feeling in you. It's not like there are loose ends untied....but there is something there that makes you wonder if you should go on-and so you must remind yourself that you can't quit now.
Touching Darkness (book #2) picks up immediately after the events from The Secret Hour (book #1). Therefore, if you haven't yet read Midnighters #1 The Secret Hour, read that book first.
Touching Darkness adds some wrinkles to Jessica Day's newly discovered world - both in the secret hour and out. The backstory and history of the town of Bixby, previous midnighters, and the whole midnighter lore is more fully revealed to us. The history ties in with the current crisis and helps to drive the fast pace of the story.
Overall, this was another very fast read that keep me up reading well into the night - how appropriate!
I read this series about 7 years ago after some kids would stop by the library where I worked to pick them up, along with Westfeld's Uglies series. I decided ro give them a try and loved the Midnighter's series. My daughter was old enough to read them now and convinced her to read them. I picked up the first book at a book store and she just couldn't wait to read the second book. She is in love with this series. She was hooked from the start. I think it's easy, smooth and just intriguing to read.
Luckily, this sequel picked up right where The Secret Hour (Midnighters #1) left off. The action did not slow down at all here - and completely thrilled me from first to last page! The characters all continue to be quite likable, and though the first book laid a solid foundation for each one, here all the main characters continue to develop into richer, fuller characters. Which was a welcome addition to the series after the first book!
I am really looking forward to reading the third and final book in the series, Midnighters #3 Blue Noon. Though the book does contain some holes in the logic - it is a YA fantasy novel after all, so I wouldn't let things like latitude and longitude ruin the pleasure of reading this exciting trilogy.
You know how it is. Lots of these trilogies start out strong with a volume 1 that grabs you with a great premise and strong characters. Then, volume 2 is a lot of filler and volume 3 ends with a whimper because the set up doesn't really lead anywhere. Not the case with this series.
The premise is great. No vampires, or zombies or magic. The Midnight Hour is a great framing device and the darklings are wonderfully vague evil opponents. The characters are better than average teen protagonists and the teen angst is kept to a minimum, while there's enough to allow for individual personalities and emotions to emerge. But here's the best part. In Volume 2 the midnighters' early history is set out, the character's relationships are better defined, and the darkling threat grows even though the darklings are still allowed to remain a vague and undefined sort of evil force. Everything that was fun or interesting in volume 1 is better developed and more fully explained in volume 2.
It helps that some care has been taken with secondary characters. It also helps that as the action grows, the chapters stay short and punchy. I'm also impressed with how the story is paced - sometimes there is a longer section dedicated to an important plot development involving just one character and sometimes there is a lot of cross-cutting between characters, keeping up momentum and adding urgency to the story.
So, all in all a worthy sequel and a superior contribution to the world of thoughtful ya creepiness.
The continuing story of the midnighters battling the darklings and slithers. I've got slithers too, but my cat generally gets them before they even get near me!
This particular second book may confuse some trying to keep up with thr story because it involves the explanations of quite a bit of math, physics and geography.
The author had an ongoing discussion (debate) between characters Jonathan and Jessica about tossing a coin up into the air, it's upward momentum and then gravity pulling it down again. I disagree on the way it was explained.
From the book Jessica "Well, there is a point right at the top where the coin's vector is zero. When gravity cancels out its upward momentum.
Jonathan "Nope. The coin is going up, then the next instant it's going back down. Zero time passes when it's not moving, so it's always moving."
That's actually a paradox; one cancelling the other out. It was shown in the book that the coin never stops once while being flipped up into the air and then falling down again.
This is why readers will roll their eyes, skip paragraphs and think the book explanations are baffling. I liked the process of the polymath and the different midnighter talents, but yeah, confusing for the typical fiction reader.
Would not give it low ratings because of that though but I did see some lower ratings because readers were a bit overwhelmed. Not me. I thought it was great.
Again, good story and original idea.

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