After Forever The Ever Trilogy Book 2 edition by Jasinda Wilder Literature Fiction eBooks

After Forever The Ever Trilogy Book 2 edition by Jasinda Wilder Literature Fiction eBooks
I usually don't say this but quite honestly, if I could give this zero stars, or better yet, negative stars I would. I absolutely loved book one and it ended on a cliffhanger so of course I bought book two. If I could take that back I would be so happy! This is possibly the worst book I have ever forced myself to finish in my life.SPOILERS: So after being desperately in love with his wife, Cade starts sleeping with her twin sister??? I get that you're both hurting but for crying out loud really? You have got to be kidding me. Worse, it's not just one time. It's over and over and it turned my stomach. His wife is in the hospital and he's busy having an affair with her sister? The idea is so abhorrent that I wanted to throw my kindle. I forced myself to continue thinking that it had to get better right? NO! She ends up freaking pregnant. It makes me physically ill just to think about it.
It really ruined Cade for me as a character and just thinking about the plot makes me angry. There were so many places this could have gone but it feels like the author just chose the most disgusting thing she possibly could. It also ruined this author for me. I can't trust that the next book will not have the same kind of disgusting decisions in it and I will not spend money on books that make me want to give up reading.
I really cannot express how much I despised this book and I can't fathom how some people give it such good reviews. Yuck!

Tags : After Forever (The Ever Trilogy: Book 2) - Kindle edition by Jasinda Wilder. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading After Forever (The Ever Trilogy: Book 2).,ebook,Jasinda Wilder,After Forever (The Ever Trilogy: Book 2),Jasinda Wilder,FICTION Romance Contemporary,FICTION Romance General
After Forever The Ever Trilogy Book 2 edition by Jasinda Wilder Literature Fiction eBooks Reviews
"There are moments in life when you know, irrevocably, that you've given in, come undone. That you've slipped, lost your balance, and fallen over a cliff's edge, that there's no climbing back up, there's no slowing the fall. You never forget those moments. They get burned into the fabric of your soul, imprinted on you, tattooed on your consciousness." (Caden Monroe, After Forever).
Bravo Jasinda Wilder...bravo. I am a mess right now. A hot, I can't believe that just happened, mess. I do not even know where to begin. I have so much to say.
I guess I will address the big elephant in this room first. Yes, this book may not be for everyone. I get that. The content of this book was heartbreaking and I know many will find the behavior in this book one that will never, ever, ever be excusable. I agree with you. 100% agree. HOWEVER, there are times in anyone's life where they find themselves in such despair, their choices will amaze and horrify them. Its life and it happens. It is easy for any one person to say that will ever happen. But are you 100% sure of that? Is the behavior acceptable, no, but life sometimes sucks and we make horrible choices.
So if you do not like love triangles, go ahead and not read this book, because it is obviously not for you. And that is your right. That is a far I can go without giving away spoilers.
Now on to the story. This will be hard because its not easy to talk about this book without talking about the contents, as noted above. ) There are many reviews that give away some of the content and you are welcome to see them, but regardless, reading the story will allow you to understand how and why the above was referenced and what brought the characters to that moment and on.
The story picks up right where Forever & Always ended. As a side note, you need to read Forever & Always before reading After Forever and as long as you have, none of this will be spoilers and it is really a continuation of that story. Caden has just woken up a week after the accident and is learning of Ever's condition and loss of their child. After finding the love he needed in Ever and her filling the hole he had felt since the deaths that occurred in his short life, he finds himself once again lost and alone. The doctors tell him Ever may be lost to him forever and he does not know what to do. He finds support and understanding from Eden, Ever's twin, the only one who might be able to understand what he is going through. Both lost and alone and trying to learn to live with Ever possibly being gone forever.
The content of this book are heartbreaking. You will grieve with Caden, you will curse him, you will want to throw your book or eReader against the wall, but no matter what, you will feel. And that is Jasinda Wilder's true gift. She tells a story that makes you feel and touches you in ways you will not imagine. This story if filled with heartache and angst, but will also captivate you and hold you until the very end. All I know is that this series, so far, is wonderfully written and very captivating.
I am not sure what will happen in the final book. I am so torn, but know that I will be waiting very impatiently for February 14th to get here. I want to know how this story ends and hope for the very best, though it is hard to imagine right now.
Is the series worth reading so far, yes. I read this one in one sitting. I just could not help myself. This is Jasinda's best work to-date. You can feel her heart and soul poured into every word. But in fairness, be prepared to be a hot mess once you are done. )
Happy reading.
4-4.5 stars. Wow, this one really hurts. Like my stomach was in knots and turmoil the whole time, and it didn't get better as I kept reading. I didn't know whether to cry, scream or hit something. The writing is fantastic in the way it made me feel so much, so I loved the book for that reason, but then I also hated this book at the same time because of what happens.
*Slight spoilers ahead*
Cade is drowning in misery, not to mention that he has no one to lean on and needs to recover from his injuries. Ever's life is hanging in peril, and she is Cade's single lifeline. Eden is not doing much better herself. And they are stuck between a rock and a hard place as far as Ever's future goes as each day goes by. Ever isn't alive, but she isn't dead either. The projected prognosis is rather bleak and far from optimistic, but Cade and Eden refuse to lose hope because they cannot lose Ever. After a year, Cade and Eden are both so lonely, full of grief and stuck in the pit of agony.
While I was absolutely not a fan of the turn of events, I tried to look at it from the characters' point of view and at least for Cade, he has been dealt way too much loss in his short existence. Tragedy is almost his middle name and it was only a matter of time that he would turn to something to escape the pain - whether it be drugs, sex, alcohol, self-destruction, etc, even if it was only a brief respite because he simply could not function in his constant state of despair, hanging by such a thin thread. I do understand that. And I really empathized with him because I knew, without a doubt, that Ever would always have his heart to the end of time and anything else in the meantime was a distraction. He loyally visits her everyday, writes her letters and reminds her how much she means to him. He doesn't stray from her emotionally.
My biggest problem was with Eden. And perhaps some of that has to do with meeting Ever first in the last book, where Ever highlights the fact that Eden battles with constant insecurity and jealousy. so it never really painted Eden in a positive light. And while Eden can act like she and Cade are equally culpable, I hold Eden more responsible in this equation although it doesn't entirely absolve Cade either. Eden has a tendency to be more impulsive, hot tempered and guided by her need for padding her bruised self-esteem, so I see her as the instigator because she just wouldn't quit.
This book is not for everyone. There's a lot of ugly involved and things to be angry about. Yet, when it boils right down to the actual heart of the matter, no one can predict the future of Ever and it's about survival. Cade and Eden gave up nearly everything of themselves watching after Ever daily and praying for her return with no clear outcome. And given the extremely unusual circumstances, it's hard to say or judge what a person would do in that exact situation. Based on the ending, the final book is going to bring everything to the surface and erupt.
I usually don't say this but quite honestly, if I could give this zero stars, or better yet, negative stars I would. I absolutely loved book one and it ended on a cliffhanger so of course I bought book two. If I could take that back I would be so happy! This is possibly the worst book I have ever forced myself to finish in my life.
SPOILERS So after being desperately in love with his wife, Cade starts sleeping with her twin sister??? I get that you're both hurting but for crying out loud really? You have got to be kidding me. Worse, it's not just one time. It's over and over and it turned my stomach. His wife is in the hospital and he's busy having an affair with her sister? The idea is so abhorrent that I wanted to throw my kindle. I forced myself to continue thinking that it had to get better right? NO! She ends up freaking pregnant. It makes me physically ill just to think about it.
It really ruined Cade for me as a character and just thinking about the plot makes me angry. There were so many places this could have gone but it feels like the author just chose the most disgusting thing she possibly could. It also ruined this author for me. I can't trust that the next book will not have the same kind of disgusting decisions in it and I will not spend money on books that make me want to give up reading.
I really cannot express how much I despised this book and I can't fathom how some people give it such good reviews. Yuck!

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