Will Sacrifice Book Book 3 edition by AC Heller David Torres Paranormal Romance eBooks

Will Sacrifice Book Book 3 edition by AC Heller David Torres Paranormal Romance eBooks
Synopsis:This is the third book of the Sacrifice Series. It follows the story of Maddix Ripley. Maddy sees herself as a natural killer. A loner most of her life, she finds herself being accepted into the Order. She is more than just human, like her new family. Most are Elioud, the offspring of a Nephilim and a human. (Nephilim are the offspring of fallen angels and humans.)
Maddix has been living on the street as a vigilante, with a list of evil people she’s determined to eradicate. She is uncomfortable with the fact that she now has to consider her new friends. Moreover, she finds herself drawn to a sword wielding berserker named Angelo Deluca. All the while, their enemies are on the move. They have found a way to create a weapon to destroy the Order, using her friends as raw material.
A. C. Heller has written an intriguing tale of supernatural romance. Entering the world of the Sacrifice Series, one meets supernatural characters that have a very human quality to them. Her action sequences are exciting and believable. The only reason this doesn’t get more stars is the fact that Will needed serious editing. There are many typos that can cause the reader to “stub their toe” in what is otherwise a great book.

Tags : Will (Sacrifice Book Book 3) - Kindle edition by A.C. Heller, David Torres. Paranormal Romance Kindle eBooks @ Amazon.com.,ebook,A.C. Heller, David Torres,Will (Sacrifice Book Book 3),FICTION Romance Fantasy,FICTION Romance Paranormal
Will Sacrifice Book Book 3 edition by AC Heller David Torres Paranormal Romance eBooks Reviews
'Will' pulled me in from the start. Although I haven't read the first two books in this series, I was still able to follow the storyline and not be at a complete loss as to what was happening, what the characters were and what was basically going on as to what led them to this point. This book is full of great actions scenes with cool weapons, romance and it was very thrilling. Quite an adventurous ride. I loved the characters. An awesome array of personalities and strengths. Maddy is definitely a bad-ass. She's strong willed, sarcastic, has quite the temper and is as foul mouthed as they come. I love characters like her. I look forward to reading books one and two plus the rest in this series. A great add to your tbr list.
Review A.C. heller third book in sacrifice series "Will"
She did it again! What an awesome third book!
In this great third installment is from Maddix's point of view, her story.
In the second book we met her for the first time. She is Aidens long lost sister.
We don't get to know her that much in the second installment but we met her as this hard core killer, or natural killer as she would state her self. You get the hint that she and Angelo has a jet to come love story, filled with complications (in book two)
Well on to the third book !
It's filled with action! And what a handful Maddy is! Jez! That girl has problems.
But she has reasons to why, she's that way. She and Angelos's love affair is as expected filled with love, denial and more love ;) it was thrilling to experience their story and personal development.
But the most exciting character is
Damiano ( he is in the first, second and third book ) he is not mentioned that often and we don't know that much about him BUT! We get a lot more of him in this installment!
And I didn't see that one coming! Off course there was many hunts and such, but yeah couldn't figure that out! ( you'll know, when you read the book!)
***spoiler alert***
Tho we still follow the others, I'm so very exstatic to read that Chas is pregnant!!
"just because we believe something to be inevitable d oes not mean it limits our ability to hope. Hope is eternal." - Lizabeth
This review is from http//majasbooks.blogspot.dk/2014/12/review-ac-heller.html
I got the first book for free. I couldn't put it down. As soon as I finished it, I bought the next two. I wish the fourth was out already. There are many typos in the second and third books but they are a great read.
I picked up this book first, instead of reading the series in order. The author did a good job keeping the tale as a stand-alone without giving away too much from the first books so that even though I know where those storylines ended up, I am now curious how they got to where they are now.
Well done! Complex people with complex interactions and complex relationships. Never gets boring.
Thanks for the entertainment! I will be back.
This is the third book of the Sacrifice Series. It follows the story of Maddix Ripley. Maddy sees herself as a natural killer. A loner most of her life, she finds herself being accepted into the Order. She is more than just human, like her new family. Most are Elioud, the offspring of a Nephilim and a human. (Nephilim are the offspring of fallen angels and humans.)
Maddix has been living on the street as a vigilante, with a list of evil people she’s determined to eradicate. She is uncomfortable with the fact that she now has to consider her new friends. Moreover, she finds herself drawn to a sword wielding berserker named Angelo Deluca. All the while, their enemies are on the move. They have found a way to create a weapon to destroy the Order, using her friends as raw material.
A. C. Heller has written an intriguing tale of supernatural romance. Entering the world of the Sacrifice Series, one meets supernatural characters that have a very human quality to them. Her action sequences are exciting and believable. The only reason this doesn’t get more stars is the fact that Will needed serious editing. There are many typos that can cause the reader to “stub their toe” in what is otherwise a great book.

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