AntiPersonnel Landmines Recognising Disarming Brassey Essential Guides Eddie Banks 9781857532289 Books

AntiPersonnel Landmines Recognising Disarming Brassey Essential Guides Eddie Banks 9781857532289 Books
I have waited for a long time to find a copy of this at a price I could afford. Listening to the other reviews and looking at Amazons' look inside feature, what I expected was a thick paperback containing a large amount of information on all of the landmines in the inventory, and the approved EOD method for rendering them safe.What I got was a book that barely fit on my shelf, much less a BDU pocket. It contains the notes of a well-respected gentleman that he homogenized from multiple various sources.
He states that one of the reasons for the book is that the publications for use by EOD personnel are normally not available to the deminer. In many countries, UXO personnel are not EOD people, they are conscripted from the local population. Unfortunately, many of the items do not list a method for neutralization, and the section on rendering safe is very, very, VERY generalized. The ones that do list disarming and neutralization procedures do so supposing that the reader already has attended a course of instruction in explosives disposal.
I wouldn't feel safe using the book in the field. I understand the need for classification, but nothing about landmines, which by nature are left behind to be collected for study and reverse engineering by any coutry with an interest, truly needs classification when you weigh the need of the deminer to safely remove them.
Also, possibly off topic, I would have liked to seen a greater number of submunitions listed.
In sum, the book has its' points, but it falls short of being the publication it could be. A book of this type has a very necessary place in demining operations, and with some more fleshing out, this book could fill that role.

Tags : Anti-Personnel Landmines: Recognising & Disarming (Brassey's Essential Guides) [Eddie Banks] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. This volume illustrates and describes all known anti-personnel landmines that have been produced, are available or have been used in battlefields and areas of conflict worldwide. It should be of interest to to both military and civilian mine-clearance specialists. The first part of the book provides an overview of mine warfare: a general introduction to mines; a brief history of mine development through the ages; counter-mine warfare; mine breaching (a military function); mine clearance (now both a civilian and a military function); and quality assurance. The author then concentrates on individual mines,Eddie Banks,Anti-Personnel Landmines: Recognising & Disarming (Brassey's Essential Guides),Potomac Books Inc,1857532287,4566,Mines (Military explosives),History - Military War,Military,Military - General,Military - Weapons,Military Science,Military engineering,Ordnance,Ordnance, weapons technology,Technology & Engineering,Technology & Engineering Military Science,Weapons & equipment
AntiPersonnel Landmines Recognising Disarming Brassey Essential Guides Eddie Banks 9781857532289 Books Reviews
This book is certainly a must for anyone who is involved in the task of removing the international landmine plague. It is also invaluable for those involved in research and development of new techniques for detection and landmine remediation. For those in the general public who want to understand the difficulties of the technical aspects of demining, it can be a frightening but enlightening reference.
Eddie Banks has over thirty years experience in his field. He has summed his knowledge into an amazingly usable and readable form covering every aspect of antipersonnel mine technology from a historical perspective to detailed specifications of individual mines.
The data sheets, organized by country of manufacture, provide photos, specifications, particular dangers and methods of disarming among many other pertinent facts.
For anyone, from researcher to interested reader, who wants to understand the possibilities for this weapon of terror and the possibilities for remediation, this is a must read.
I have waited for a long time to find a copy of this at a price I could afford. Listening to the other reviews and looking at s' look inside feature, what I expected was a thick paperback containing a large amount of information on all of the landmines in the inventory, and the approved EOD method for rendering them safe.
What I got was a book that barely fit on my shelf, much less a BDU pocket. It contains the notes of a well-respected gentleman that he homogenized from multiple various sources.
He states that one of the reasons for the book is that the publications for use by EOD personnel are normally not available to the deminer. In many countries, UXO personnel are not EOD people, they are conscripted from the local population. Unfortunately, many of the items do not list a method for neutralization, and the section on rendering safe is very, very, VERY generalized. The ones that do list disarming and neutralization procedures do so supposing that the reader already has attended a course of instruction in explosives disposal.
I wouldn't feel safe using the book in the field. I understand the need for classification, but nothing about landmines, which by nature are left behind to be collected for study and reverse engineering by any coutry with an interest, truly needs classification when you weigh the need of the deminer to safely remove them.
Also, possibly off topic, I would have liked to seen a greater number of submunitions listed.
In sum, the book has its' points, but it falls short of being the publication it could be. A book of this type has a very necessary place in demining operations, and with some more fleshing out, this book could fill that role.

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